3 Proven Ways to “Insure” Your Future by Going Green


With Earth Day just around the corner, it’s important for everyone to look at ways that they can make a difference by going green. That’s right, even your insurance policy can be one of the ways you can “insure” a better future for yourself and your loved ones. With the right insurance policy that fits both your needs and your budget, it’s easy to make the world a better place. Want to figure out a better way to find comprehensive coverage while going green this year for Earth Day? You may just find out that you’re already halfway there!

Why Should You Go Green?

An eco-friendly lifestyle doesn’t have to be difficult or put a drain on your bank account. In fact, with just a few simple shifts to your everyday routines, you can easily go green! Whether you choose to start using energy efficient appliances around the house, begin to keep up with regular HVAC maintenance visits or simply start making your morning cup of coffee at home, every step you take to go green is a tiny way that you can give back to yourself and your loved ones.

Earth Day

3 Easy Ways to Go Green and “Insure” a Brighter Future


Your Energy Efficient Home

You may be able to save on your homeowners insurance policy by switching to a more eco-friendly lifestyle. Whether you decide to try using solar energy or simply change out your old light bulbs for new LED options, you can save on your utility bills each year and may even be able to see a better premium on your homeowners insurance policy. With each little step that you take to go green at home, like using energy efficient appliances and taking an active role in limiting your energy consumption, you are helping to ensure a brighter future for your family.

Invest in a “Green” Car

electric car

In just a few short years, hybrid cars have gone from something that was niche and slightly too expensive for the average American to an affordable and dependable vehicle option. While the early years of hybrid cars felt pretty limited on the possibility of style and function, now nearly every major car manufacturer has a hybrid option or 2 available. But hybrid cars are not only great for offsetting your carbon footprint, they can also help you save on your auto insurance coverage! When you combine a safe driving record with a safe and eco-friendly vehicle, it is easy to find an affordable, all-inclusive car insurance policy to fir your needs.

Go Paperless

In the age of the Internet, it’s always a nice surprise to see a physical letter in your mailbox. But snail mail should really be reserved for pen pals and birthday cards. Going paperless is better for the environment and makes accessing your important policy information less of a hassle. With all of your important information available in one easy to access space online, you never have to worry about missing a premium payment, filing a claim or losing your policy renewal paper work. Everything is available with the click of a button online, allowing you to help save a few trees and giving you more time to focus on other important things in your life.

Rethink Your Insurance Coverage by Going Green

Whether you’re interested in saving on your insurance premium by going green or you want to give paperless billing a try, this Earth Day is the perfect excuse to make a positive change. Some of the easy ways you can go green include:

  • Using energy efficient appliances
  • Switching to energy efficient light bulbs
  • Driving a hybrid car
  • Opting for paperless billing and renewing your insurance policies online

For more information on our comprehensive insurance coverage options, be sure to visit the team at Marine Agency Insurance online today.

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