If you run a business that employs one or more people, you need to carry an active workers compensation insurance policy at all times. Workers compensation insurance (also known as workmans comp insurance) not only protects your company from loss when employees get hurt, but it is also required by law for most employers.
About Workers’ Compensation Insurance
Workers compensation insurance covers many of the expenses incurred when an employee becomes injured on the job or sustains an employment-related illness. If an employee is injured or ill, the insurer will help to cover the employee’s medical care, lost wages and other important related costs.
In addition, affordable workers comp insurance coverage may protect you from legal problems. Most states require employers to purchase workers compensation insurance coverage. Failing to purchase adequate insurance may easily result in financial penalties and other sanctions. If you don’t carry a policy, you may also face lawsuits from any workers who become injured or ill while you are uninsured.
Coverage from Marine Agency
Here at Marine Agency, we offer some of the best affordable workers compensation insurance policies to businesses throughout the United States. Our industry experts can provide coverage to employers in all states, including NJ, Florida, and Texas, with the exception of North Dakota, Ohio, Washington and Wyoming.
Don’t get caught without workers compensation coverage. If you are currently uninsured at this time, you think you may be paying too much for workers compensation insurance, or want to learn information about the other types of business insurance policies we provide…