Insurance For Boats & Yachts
Whether you enjoy a personal watercraft sprint on your local lake or cruising your yacht down the Atlantic coastline, Marine Agency can find the best boat insurance for you.
Like auto insurance, insurance for boats begins with coverage for your liability in operating your boat. If you damage the property of others or injure a someone, the insurance pays the damages. Let’s boat safely though.
The distinction between boats and yachts for an insurance policy is usually defined as twenty-six feet in length. But, the insurance covers the same risks… even for personal watercraft like jet skis.
Hull insurance is the physical damage coverage for boats. Exclusions include wear and tear, failure to maintain. So let’s keep those boats in good, safe working order. Many insurance companies will require a marine survey to help discover hidden damage and maintenance issues. Hull coverage includes trailers, equipment, motors, and accessories. Typical losses include fire or windstorm damage.
Medical payments coverage pays small medical bills on a “no-fault” basis for minor injuries for anyone participating in the watercraft activity.
Uninsured boaters pays for damages caused by other boats which are not insured. For example, if someone rams your boat and causes hull damage, your insurance will pay as though it was the other boat owners insurance.
Yacht insurance normally requires that the yacht not be used as a charter business. Private pleasure only. However, Marine represents many insurance companies, and can obtain commercial charter insurance for you.
Enjoy safe boating, keep your watercraft seaworthy, and let us design the correct package of insurance for your long-term financial stability. Marine Agency Insurance provides insurance that is far superior to other boat insurance companies.