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In most of the United States, we can’t live in sunshine and summer nights all year long. Around this time of year, the air is getting a bit crisper, the days are getting shorter, and we can feel the gentle approach of winter.

While winter is pretty, picturesque, and ushers in beloved holidays, there are extra insurance questions you should consider before the snow starts to fall. Let’s take a look at how you can winter-proof your homeowners, renter, and auto insurance policies.

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Consider the Wintry Risks to Your Home

The winter presents opportunities for severe weather that can be significantly hazardous. Blizzards, nor’easters, snow squalls, and regular snowstorms have the potential to bring damaging snow and ice to your roof, doors, windows, furnace, and plumbing.

In consideration of the weather risks posed by the season, take the time to review your homeowner’s or renter’s policy. Does it sufficiently cover any potential damage, as well as the value of your belongings? Ensuring that your property is protected in a worst-case scenario is a foundational step in determining what is the best homeowners coverage for you.

If your insurance doesn’t measure up, or you don’t have a policy, consider adjusting your policy or securing the right one to bring protection and peace of mind to your home.

Your House Needs Your Help

Insurance is widely regarded as a wise layer of your house’s protection, but it doesn’t replace maintenance and care. Before winter arrives, be sure to winter-proof your home by taking certain upkeep steps to prevent any winter-related issues. For instance, you might hire a professional to inspect your furnace, or you may have a roofing company repair the broken shingles from the summer storms.

For many more tips, visit our previous blog post about winter-proofing your home.

Icy Roads Are No Joke

Driving in winter can be very dangerous. As temperatures hit freezing and below, snow and ice can make for slick roads, decreased visibility for drivers, and more accidents on the road. With these hazardous driving conditions, you must have sufficient auto insurance.

In nearly every state, auto insurance is obligatory, so you likely have some level of liability protection. Still, as winter poses more risks, it’s a good idea to consider increasing your coverage. For instance, perhaps you weren’t sure if you wanted collision coverage in the summer, but now you’d like to shop around for the best full coverage auto insurance.

Now is also a great time to consider other changes to your auto policy, such as increasing your premium or adjusting your deductible.

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Take Care of Your Car Before the Cold Arrives

Auto insurance is an important form of protection, but there’s no substitute for prevention. Before winter is in full swing, make sure your car is ready for the inclement weather and cold temperatures.

We recommend taking your vehicle to a trusted mechanic for a full inspection. They’ll check the rating of your car’s fluids, tires, brakes, heating system, and other vital components to make sure everything is in strong form for the winter.


  • Evaluate your homeowner’s or renter’s policy to make sure it sufficiently covers how you use your property.
  • Make sure your house is ready for the winter.
  • Consider changes to your auto policy to ensure each driver is fully covered, as you take into account the increased risks of driving in the winter.
  • Have your car evaluated by a trusted mechanic in preparation for the season.

Make Insurance a Top Priority Before the Winter

Right around the corner, snow will fill the air, and you’ll be lacing up your boots to shovel your driveway. Before those wintry days, take the time to make sure you’re all set when it comes to your accident insurance.

For everything that requires insurance, Marine Agency Insurance has you covered. Find an agent today and give us a call to discuss your insurance needs — get quick quotes in preparation for the winter. You don’t want to pay for insurance you don’t need, and our friendly and reliable team will ensure that you are properly matched with the best available insurance package.

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