The arrival of spring is a great time to review your insurance policies to prepare for all of the outdoor fun and games that will happen over the course of the next few months. You may think that there is plenty of time for that. However, just like April Fools’ Day, anything can happen in the blink of an eye. Here are five reasons you should consider renewing your insurance policy on April Fools’ Day:
Remember, anything can happen at any time. A small April Fools’ prank can create a big disaster
April Fools’ Day has arrived, and you play an innocent prank on your unsuspecting wife. As she’s walking towards the backyard, you throw a rubber snake on the ground. She sees the rubber snake and she thinks it’s real. She screams bloody murder, throws her hands in the air and sends her cup flying through the kitchen window. It knocks the kitchen faucet loose, and soon water covers your kitchen floor.
As you stand in the backyard taking the whole scene in, you wonder how a small prank took such a disastrous turn as you make plans of renewing your homeowner’s insurance policy once the kitchen dries out.
April showers are coming. Do you have flood insurance?
When a significant amount of rain falls in a short amount of time, there is minimal opportunity for the rainwater to subside before flooding occurs. You may think that it’s not an issue because you live in an area of higher elevation or have adequate homeowners insurance. While both of these factors may be true, you should know that most homeowner’s insurance policies do not cover flood damage. Even areas of high elevation can succumb to flood waters rushing in when the water has nowhere else to go.
Flood insurance picks up where your homeowners policy stops by covering damage done to your property and home. It is an inexpensive way to add an extra layer of protection before the arrival of the rainy season. Otherwise, you could face thousands of dollars of out-of-pocket expenses to repair the damages flooding causes you.
Put your money towards a better insurance plan this tax season.
Tax season is here, and that tax refund is burning a hole in your pocket. You wonder aloud how to spend that money. Part of you is thinking that you should be a responsible adult and put some of it away for emergency situations. The other part of you wants to buy a few expensive items you would not normally purchase. Before you go on an elaborate shopping spree, take a minute to review your current insurance policies.
Ask yourself if these policies are meeting your needs and if there is any room for improvement. Adding rental car reimbursement to your car insurance policy can save financial headaches down the road. You may be able to lower your homeowner policy premium by putting a little extra down now. Chat with your insurance agent to see if the two of you can come up with a better, more sustainable way to spend that tax refund.
The weather is getting nicer. Is it time to take out the motorcycle?
Warmer weather means it’s time to get the motorcycle out of storage and onto the open road. Before you head out on that adventure, review your coverage policy to ensure that you have the best possible motorcycle coverage in place. Do you have coverage for damage as a result of vandalism? Your policy should cover this and provide a replacement vehicle in the event that irreparable damage occurs.
Does your accident policy provide enough coverage? You need to have coverage in place that will pay for damages to your motorcycle as well as any vehicles that sustain damage as a result of an accident that is your fault. It only takes a few minutes to get the right coverage for your open road adventures.
Is it time to use your boat/yacht?
Your boat or yacht presents the perfect opportunity to spend the day out on the water. Before you hit the water, take the time to make sure that you have proper insurance coverage in place. As a bare minimum, you need to have property damage insurance for your vessel. It works to protect you in situations when your vessel causes damage to someone else’s property.
Take your policy one step further and obtain hull insurance. This policy provides protection and pays for damage done directly to your vessel or someone else’s vessel as a result of your negligence. It includes your trailers, relevant equipment and fire or windstorm damages as well. You will also receive coverage for damages caused by vessel owners who don’t have insurance in place.
Call us or check out our contact page today to speak with a friendly and knowledgeable (real, not automated) staff member who will explain the many ways that Marine Agency will ensure that you’re insured and prepared for the unexpected!