Owning and operating an after school martial arts program can be a fun, exciting and truly rewarding experience. By teaching your students about the importance of dedication, discipline and hard work, you can have a great impact on their future. But along with all the rewards of working in this field, there are also a great many risks involved in working with children. Even in a relatively relaxed after school setting, martial arts instruction can be dangerous. So help keep your students safe and keep your business thriving by investing in comprehensive martial arts insurance coverage from Marine Insurance Agency Insurance.
Who Needs Martial Arts School Insurance?
The truth is, every small business owner who operates a martial arts instruction studio needs to invest in martial arts business insurance coverage. Even if you only work in after school programs, the risk of injury and accidents is too great to ignore. You need insurance general liability insurance coverage because it protects your business from loss and helps to make sure that your instructors and students are safe in the event of an accident.
What if a student is injured in class and their parents sue you for damages? What if a broken water pipe floods your studio? Without proper insurance coverage, you would be left to pay for these damages out of pocket and in many cases, you would be forced to close your doors. With the right level of liability insurance for martial arts schools, your instructors are free to teach their students the vital skills they need to defend themselves as they grow older. But if something goes wrong in class, the only way to keep your business running properly is by investing a comprehensive martial arts insurance policy.
How Does Martial Arts Liability Insurance Protect My Business?
Some of the most common Insurance claims that you may face when operating your business include:
- Liability Claims – Accidents can happen without a moment’s notice, especially when martial arts instructors are working with young children. Injuries can result in liability claims made by young students and adults alike.
- Property Claims – Fire, inclement weather and even an incident where a car may strike your building can all result in a property claim. If you or your employees accidentally cause damage to a third parties property, you could be held responsible.
- Workers’ Compensation Claims – Whether you have 2 or 200 employees, workers compensation coverage can help protect your team in the event that they become injured on the job. These important coverage options can help to pay for medical bills, lost wages and rehabilitation expenses.
- Business Interruption – In the event that you have to shut down your after school martial arts program after an accident or natural disaster, business interruption insurance can help to keep your team afloat during repairs.
When you invest in this important specialty coverage, you can make sure that your martial arts program, employees, volunteers and students are protected from bodily injury and property damage claims. Accidents can happen even when you employ the most experienced and knowledgeable team available, so it pays to prepare for the worst with an affordable and comprehensive martial arts insurance policy.
Keep Your Students and Team Covered with Total Insurance Protection
Consider these key factors when investing in the right martial arts school insurance to meet your needs:
- Even with the most experienced and knowledgeable team available, accidents and injuries are common in martial arts.
- If you are sued for damages and do not have insurance, you will have to pay out of pocket to cover damages.
- This type of coverage is designed to protect your business from loss and keep your doors open.
Don’t let your business or students suffer when your martial arts program is faced with a difficult situation. Instead, invest in the comprehensive martial arts insurance program from Marine Agency Insurance today! We are an experienced insurance agency that can craft a policy perfect for you!