When it comes to purchasing an insurance policy, there are plenty of options. No matter what type of coverage you may have, you will often find out that you have more options than you realized after doing some research. For instance, vendor liability insurance is one example of a lesser-known insurance option that you may have. With that in mind, let’s take a look at vendor liability insurance and how it may be able to offer you the protection you deserve.
What is Vendor Liability Insurance?
Vendor liability insurance is a type of insurance that is used to cover vendors, concessionaires, and exhibitors alike. This type of coverage is made specifically to protect those who demonstrate and promote products and services at short-term locations and venues. So, no matter if you are selling goods or services at exhibitions like tattoo shows, or something similar, vendor liability insurance coverage can help ensure you are properly protected.
Why Does a Vendor Need Insurance?
As with all other types of businesses, the reason exhibitors at tattoo shows need insurance is because mishaps happen. Although you may think you can prepare for these issues, unfortunately, this is often not the case. Given that many of these booths are located in areas where people are celebrating, drinking, laughing, and carrying on, this leaves even more room for random mishaps to occur.
Luckily purchasing vendor liability insurance may be an easy way to avoid the fallout that an unruly or otherwise irrational customer can cause. Without the proper coverage, you may be held liable for fees, settlements, and more.
Vendor Insurance Requirements
As mentioned, virtually every vendor at an exhibition such as a tattoo show should possess some form of coverage. Although you can pick and choose which type of coverage you purchase, at the very least, vendors should consider adding:
- Accident Coverage: This provides coverage in case accidents happen that are either caused by your employees or under the supervision of your company.
- Property Damage Coverage: Moreover, you also need coverage for property damage. This can apply to your own property or the property of customers that may become damaged while in the care of your company.
- Litigation Coverage: Lastly, you should also consider purchasing coverage to protect you against potential lawsuits, settlements, and court fees.
Key Takeaways:
- Vendor liability coverage is an excellent investment for vendors and exhibitors alike.
- All vendors or exhibitors should consider purchasing some form of litigation coverage, property damage coverage, and accident coverage.
Looking for Vendor Liability Insurance Coverage?
Are you looking for vendor liability insurance coverage? We’re here to help! Here at the Marine Agency, we are skilled at working with vendors of all kinds to help them find the coverage they crave. We make it our business to provide each client with personalized packages and the policy limits and coverage they deserve every time. Contact us today to get started with a quote or for more information!